Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Infrastructure priorities

Ever since I moved after getting married, I have lamented the city in which I now live, as it's my firm belief that our city is poorly managed. I'm sure there are many politics behind decisions that are made, but often I think to myself, "Wow, I can't believe they said that" or "Why are they spending money on that?" When there was some issue about people being abducted near the casino, the city officials made some statement about how the casino is very valuable to the city, although of course they don't condone any crime. Ummmm... good then! Glad to see that profit doesn't weigh too heavily on their minds.

This week has really reinforced my dislike of city infrastructure. They'll spend what must amount to thousands on flowers for the medians, hanging baskets, Christmas lights, outdoor lighted reindeer... but will they plow the streets? No! I'm not asking for the small streets to be plowed, but when you're slipping and sliding down a major street covered in ice, that's a problem. Salt can only do its work when it isn't freezing out. PLOW THE STREETS. The city isn't even that big - what's the problem?? I drive through many other municipalities on my way to work and their streets are ALL free of snow. Grrr!

Hopefully the rest of y'all are safe and warm. I kinda like cold, sunny weather but I could do without the snow and ice.

NaBloPoMo is almost over - not that I've been able to post every day - but are you all enjoying the increase in posting? I sure hope so!


Anonymous said...

Actually, salt works down to around -11C or -14C. I forget which.

snerk said...

In fact, regular rock salt isn't very effective past 18F - which is about -7 or -8C. Phbbt.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I got F and C mixed up. Oh well.