Monday, April 30, 2007

Misheard song lyrics

There's a new song out by Jay-Z and Rihanna ... I have to admit that I really enjoy "Pon de Replay", Rihanna's first big hit, but since then I have quickly tired of her music and her fivehead. The new song is called Umbrella but when I first heard it, I thought she was saying:

"You can stand under my arm Beretta, etta, etta, eh, eh, eh" - as opposed to what she is really saying: "You can stand under my umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh" ...

I think my version is better. I'm not sure what an arm Beretta is, but when I misheard the song, I actually envisioned an underarm Beretta. Dangerous AND sweaty.

Short post, just wanted to thank everyone for caring for me and praying! No relief in sight yet. Must bear down and concentrate.


Anonymous said...

I thought EXACTLY the same thing as you about the lyrics! Been hearing the song for weeks and have been meaning to look up the lyris because I thought that was a bit odd, especially when the song is called Umbrella. I kept trying to imagine the word "umbrella" when she said it, but I kept hearing arm betetta. I guess I just don't pronounce it um-bu-rella like she does in the song. Funny post though. I just found this because I was wondering if I was the only person in the world who thought that. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

Me Too.... armed beretta.....

Anonymous said...

Beretta is a firearm production company. Given the usual trend of new "music" often including lyrics about guns, I had no reason to think this song was any different. I didn't even know the name of the song, or the beginning of the line, and didn't realize my mistake until about a month ago. Seems like several people have made the same mistake; She should learn how to pronounce umbrella.