I definitely deserve one after the breakfast I just had. To give you some background, we have some family history of poor health which causes my mom to worry that similar problems will happen to my brother and I... so lately I have been consuming more "fibrous foods" to improve my health (which is fine, by the way, so don't panic. I recently got rated in "very good" health - not quite "perfect" like the hubby, but whatever.)
For example, I have been buying a (really expensive) new kind of bread where each slice has 5 g of fibre. (You are supposed to have about 25 g of fibre per day.) It's good bread, made without flour (I suppose they just grind up the whole grains rather than using whole wheat flour) - very dense, and sometimes the grains hurt my teeth. I also try to eat one apple a day. By the way, I used to love Red Delicious apples but they are so mealy... so now, Gala apples. Yum.
Anyway, today, I took the fibre to a new level. The hubby bought some of this stuff the other day:
As per the suggestion on the box, I had a half cup (12 g of fibre!!) today... I ate it with some fat free yogurt (I'm on a roll here). True to my recollection, eating All-Bran is like.. well, imagine you were on the monkey bars in the school playground, and you fell face down with your mouth open into the twigs they use in place of gravel, and then you accidently swallowed some of the twigs. Totally unappetizing.
See? I told you I deserved a prize. I'm willing to accept monetary compensation.
Eat some sugar with each spoonful!
Also, have you considered eating brown rice?
Do you drink 8 glasses of water each day?
i don't believe in all-bran...and is that bread you're talking about squirrel bread? (i think that's the name...i've bought it from costco before).
A - I hate brown rice. I don't even really like white rice!
Anon - yes! I do! or at least I try!
E - I didn't know one could disbelieve in All-Bran! And maybe, yes, Squirrel or Silver Hills or sth. There's a few brands.
you must believe in All-Bran. afterall, that "handsome gentleman" on the box is daring you to take his 2 week challenge. he wouldn't challenge you if he were to lose, right?
you don't need to really drink 8 glasses of water... can be a combination of beverages.. such as milk, juice, "tong." (sorry, beer, tea & coffee don't really count)
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