Friday, December 18, 2009

Shameless plug for my spending habit

So, I'm entering a contest to win some cash... it's from a site I visit every day, because they are a daily deal site with baby/kid items. I'm kind of a nerd in that I log on to the site every day as soon as it updates (almost every day at least.) But it's not good to be tempted every single day to buy something, especially since I'm still on mat leave. Oh well! :)

Here's the link in case you're curious!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Random bits about my life

...So I've had a rough couple of nights with the baby. I'm not sure what's up, he's just waking up several times a night and I'm not used to it because he was such a good sleeper before. Nothing to worry about, he isn't sick or anything - just wakeful. Last night he was up at least 3x between bedtime and 11pm, then he was up from 12:30 am to 1:30 am, then up from 3:30 am to 4:30 am, then again around 6am. And I don't mean happy awake - he was screaming and clearly unhappy about something. I'm contemplating some sort of "sleep training" right now, although most of the methods seem to be based on at least some form of "cry it out" - which just breaks my heart. But everything I have read suggests that sleep training can help him nap better AND sleep through the night AND stop feeding at night when he might not really need to eat. Sigh! I don't know what to do. L still uses his soother for naps and bedtime, plus often I have to do at least a partial swaddle so he doesn't rub his face until he wakes up. (And he has to wear socks on his hands so he can't scratch. Poor kid! Such humiliation.) Most sleep training methods want you to get rid of the soother and the swaddle. Bah. I much prefer the lackadaisical, kids-will-be-kids method of parenting. It requires so much less work. But I have to return to work in a few months and I need to be functional during my long commute and workday. Pray for me!

On another note I was reading today about kids who have just discovered that Santa Claus doesn't really exist. Have I blogged about this already? I am too lazy to search my archives. Anyway, the hubs and I had a conversation about this, whether we would let the kid believe in Santa or not. I was pretty adamant on NO since I think the whole idea of Santa is ridiculous and trite. However, I also don't want my kid to be the one telling all the other kids that Santa is just made up. I never believed in Santa growing up.

You know, I also can only recall one occasion of dressing up for Halloween and going trick-or-treating. I was young, maybe about 4, and I dressed up as Yoda from Star Wars. I recall some sort of costume that looked like a garbage bag. I also recall tripping and ripping a hole in said costume. I don't think we ever really went out again, and I remember my mom saying that Christians don't believe in Halloween, so we shouldn't "celebrate" it. I don't feel like I missed out on anything, but I wonder if my kid will feel left out if he doesn't get to dress up, etc. I don't think I have much of an opinion on Halloween at this stage of my life, though. I've never been to a Halloween party and my favourite part of the whole holiday is the day after, when candy is on sale. This year, we bought the baby a dinosaur costume. I should say, the hubby bought it. I am far too practical to buy things like that.

Ummm.... hmm. Oh yes, the dog turned two years old this past week! She's such a good dog. One of the nice things about going back to work is that she'll get to come with me again. That'll be nice. We thought about getting a second dog, but we might wait until she's a couple of years older, so she will be a little more calm. Every family should have a dog, they are awesome.

I'm making dinner tonight - that'll be an adventure. Let us hope no one gets sick and the food is tasty. I am trying to be a more tidy and clean person, like my mother, but I don't think I'll ever reach that level of cleanliness. How she gets everything done, I'll never know. Yesterday I vacuumed and mopped the floor and that felt like an accomplishment. Anyway, I'm starting off small, by committing to cleaning up the kitchen before bed every night. You're probably horrified, aren't you, after all, who leaves dishes in the sink overnight? Me, that's who. But no more!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Accepting change

Sometimes I feel like I'm just not ready to accept that I am a grownup. Sometimes I even feel like I missed out on some portion of young adulthood... for example, I never really lived on my own, I just lived at home until I got married... I never was truly independent... and I even wish we'd travelled more and done more in our double-income-no-kids life. I find that this motherhood thing is strangely lonely. I want to hang out more with friends, but I always find some reason not to - I don't have a car, I don't feel like going out, I don't want them to have to tolerate my kid, the kid is fussy, the kid might scream, etc.

This afternoon, I took the baby and the dog for a walk to McDonalds, about a 40 minute walk (maybe less, I tend to walk slowly.) Everything was fine until we got to McDonalds. The dog wouldn't stay in her "down" position, so I saw her trying to be friendly with a cyclist who was just trying to get at her bike (the dog was tied to the bike rack.) Apparently the cyclist did not view my dog as friendly. (Really - she would never hurt anyone, she just thinks that all humans want to pet her and be licked.) I had to go and get her, at which point the baby started to fuss and scream. He was inconsolable until we were almost home. He wouldn't take the pacifier and there wasn't really anything I could do. I couldn't carry him and push the stroller home AND hold the dog's leash. It became overwhelming. At several points I stopped to try and comfort him, and then the dog would wander instead of sitting by my side as she is supposed to do when I stop walking*. So then I had to yell at the dog. I felt like a terrible parent/dog owner, first my kid is screaming and then my dog is misbehaving, and I can't fix either one, and I am getting angry at both. I prayed all the way home that I wouldn't lose my mind entirely.

When we got home, the baby was fine - just tired and in need of a nap - and the dog was also fine. And I realized that part of my frustration was that I'm not certain I'm cut out for being a mom, and the more the baby cried, the more I felt inadequate. When I went to pick him up out of his stroller, he gave me a teary smile. I don't know if God might have a lesson in this story. Maybe that I don't have to be a supermom for my kid to love me anyway. Maybe that we are all imperfect. Maybe that if my kid can love me and smile at me even though I let him cry for 20-30 minutes, how much more does my heavenly Father love me despite all my inadequacies. Sigh. It's so hard sometimes.

*My dog is really well-trained... but walking on a leash has always been her toughest "trick". Part of her training is that she only walks on our left hand side, right beside (not in front nor behind), and when we stop walking she is supposed to stop and sit right away.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ohana means family.

I know, it's been ages since I've posted ... at least I've worked harder on the boy's blog.

Recently we went down to the States for a family reunion with my mom's side of the family. As the extended family members are spread out all over North America, it is rare that a big group of us can get together. Most of my cousins were there. Today, some cousins who couldn't make it to the reunion came and visited us here. I think my family is pretty darn awesome.

Here's an example: My uncle, who is now retired, has spent many years researching the lives of missionaries to China from China Inland Mission. He's written a book that highlights a number of missionaries who were not well-known, but who served the Lord faithfully in a land far from their homes. Really, these missionaries who brought the word of God to the Chinese people carried a legacy with them that continues today among Chinese worldwide. I've read some of the stories and am amazed by the faith these men and women had. I mean, I *am* Chinese and I still can't really imagine picking up my life in Canada and moving to Asia. These folks learned, in some cases, several dialects in order to minister to the local people. If it weren't for my uncle and his painstaking research through extremely old books, letters, and records, we might never know of the work these missionaries did. Pretty cool, eh?

Thursday, July 02, 2009

1461 days

If you had asked me last year what I thought I'd be doing on our fourth anniversary, here is a list of what I would not have said:
  • doing a load of dirty diaper laundry
  • typing with one hand because I'm holding the baby with the other
  • searching craigslist for items like a nursing pillow
  • brushing my son's head to loosen those stubborn cradle cap flakes
  • washing the spitup out of my hair
Boy, life sure has changed in the last year. In my post last year about our anniversary, I mentioned that having a dog trumps having a kid. Well, I still think there are several advantages to having a dog. For one thing, the dog is much easier to train. She knows way more tricks than the Spud does. For another, the dog will always listen to us. I dread the day when the kid turns against me. Oh, and I never had to teach the dog how to eat - she's always been good at that!

Of course, I'm thrilled to be a mom and to have our little guy in our lives. God has really blessed us with a great kid. He looks particularly sweet when he's sleeping and not yelling in my ear! I think he's the best baby ever. If you asked me what I thought of him at 4am, maybe my response would be different. It's pretty hard to be coherent when he's screaming in the middle of the night and all I'm trying to do is change his diaper. Sigh. The nice thing is that the hubs will always take over if I need him to, and sometimes he's just got that magic "fall asleep" touch.

Happy anniversary, honey. Thanks for taking this crazy ride with me.

Monday, June 22, 2009

20 years

Dear Spud (your stomach isn't the size of a chickpea any longer, so I'm going with Spud),

You might be wondering why the title of this post is "20 years" and not "almost 2 months", which is your age. Well, that's because I'm going to tell you about your grandfather in this post. As it happens, today marks 20 years since your grandpa (gohng-gohng) passed away. Mommy was only 10 years old at the time, so you'll have to forgive me if my memories are a little jumbled and vague. Maybe one day when you are bigger, your grandma (poh-poh) will be able to tell you more.

Mommy was very sad yesterday upon realizing that it was Father's Day, because it would have been so nice to celebrate with your gohng-gohng. Alas, God called him home much earlier than any of us wanted. I think he would have been proud to have a grandson, and I imagine that he would have delighted in getting to know you.

Grandpa was a man devoted to God and to his family. He was a lot like your own dad, in fact - very social with many friends, enjoyed cooking, very family oriented. Mommy still remembers when he would make treats like green onion pancakes. (Daddy hates these - but mommy will teach you to love them!) Grandpa was the sort of guy who knew someone no matter where he went, and could make conversation with just about anyone. He served as an elder at church for many years, even when mommy and kow-fu (?) were young, and he taught Sunday School to people who later taught mommy in Sunday school.

Mommy hears you fussing right now so I'll keep this short. I wish you had had the opportunity to meet your gohng-gohng. Maybe you already did in heaven? I'm not really sure how that all works, but one day our God will make it all clear. In the meantime, I praise the Lord for how He has blessed our family in these 20 years, and I'm looking forward to telling you more about your grandpa soon.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

8 days

Dear baby,

Hooray! You're finally here!!!

I don't want to post your real name on this blog, so I have been trying to think of a nickname for you. For now I think we'll go with Chickpea. That is what they said was the size of your stomach when you were born, so it seems like a good name for you.

Chickpea, Mommy went through a lot to get you out. First of all, you were late. Late, late, late. Mommy was given oxytocin to induce labour, but it didn't work as quickly as expected... then (I'm really shortening up the story here) Mommy and Daddy found out that you were "ROP" - which is to say, you were totally not positioned correctly. So the doctors had to open me up and haul you out by hand. Let me just say that you are lucky you will never have to go through labour as the pain is almost indescribable. And thanks to your positioning and the resultant c-section, I got to experience both the pain of a major surgery and the pain of labour.

Of course, all that fades away because you are a fantastic baby, and I couldn't ever have asked for a better kid. You are a good sleeper, you don't cry a lot, and now that we have worked through some of your feeding issues, you're gaining weight at a champion rate. I must tell you that the feeding issues have been extremely difficult for me. I felt as though my body was failing me, because I couldn't feed you properly. All the hormones are really not helping either, as I have been so emotional lately. I feel guilt over not being able to feed you the way I wanted to, I feel guilt over not being able to spend as much time with the dog as I wanted, I feel easily irritated at the smallest things ... ugh! Motherhood is a difficult thing. I'm so grateful that you are a happy, calm baby. Chickpea, you are the joy of every day now, and we are incredibly thrilled that you are finally here with us. Welcome to the world, little one. Mommy loves you more than you'll ever know.

Here you are having a little bit of tummy time. PS: sorry for all the yellow and green clothing. From here on out, it's boy stuff for you!

Love, Mommy

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I'm becoming more and more granola

First it was the purchase of two hybrid vehicles. Then, we bought a substantial amount of organic beef, one quarter cow to be exact. Then I decided we'd be using cloth diapers for the baby. And now, we've decided to buy a share in a CSA farm operation for the 2009 summer season. Is there no end to my earth-friendliness. I am just kidding, of course, I am not completely devoted to environmental issues, but one small step at a time I guess.

I'm sure you can read about a CSA on your own, but I'll explain my understanding of it. I first heard of this on a food blog that I used to read all the time - but have unfortunately forgotten the name of now. Essentially, community supported agriculture is a system where a farm sells shares of its (usually summer/early fall) harvest to a group of folks for a certain price early in the year. The farm benefits by having the cash it needs up front for the growing season, and the shareholders get a weekly box of whatever the crop is for that week, depending on what the farm grows. The other benefits.... organic veggies, locally grown, etc.

So that's what we'll be doing! The farm we are hoping to join is actually not in farmland per se, but is made up of a collection of donated lands including backyards, etc. I'm pretty excited. I think each week will be a little different and hopefully we won't end up with too many brussel sprouts (though the hubby might not mind.) It should be an interesting adventure in what sort of food we can make at home. And by "we", I mean the hubby! Although I did manage to make dinner once this week. I made a beef tortellini soup. Don't worry, I used a recipe, so no one got sick. :) Maybe when I'm on mat leave I'll actually cook more often. Stranger things have happened!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

40 weeks

Dear baby,

Yesterday was your due date (according to some tricky doctor math.) Clearly, you didn't receive the message, because you're still not out. But I don't mind. I figured you would be late. After all, I am hardly ever on time for anything, and your grandma says I was late for my birth too. Your other grandma thinks that your father was also late. So it didn't bode well for you to arrive early in any event. Oh well. I only finished work last week, so it has been nice to have a few work-free days. Weirdly, I've actually felt kinda bored the last two days. Guess I'm just used to a routine.

So anyway. What's new. The doctor checked me out this week and last week to see what kind of progress you were making, and the official word is NOT MUCH. I'm progressing just fine, but you haven't decided to drop down yet. We are all ready for you to arrive - I finally finished washing all the clothes you own, well, except for the stuff that won't fit you for several months. Boy, are your socks tiny. And the hats too! Those are for your bald head - I figured you might take after me in that regard too. We've even had to sell our Canucks playoff tickets in anticipation of your birth. Baby, when you're older you'll realize what a sacrifice we've made :) Daddy says if the Canucks make it to the Stanley Cup finals he'll take you to a game. We do need to get a new light fixture for your room, because we broke the other one when assembling the crib. Oops! And when we know if you are a girl or boy, we might get you some clothing that isn't gender-neutral. A baby can only wear so much yellow and green.

Recently the dog has been wanting to sit closer to me (that is, when it isn't sunny enough for her to sunbathe outside) so we have allowed her to sit on the couch. She usually doesn't sit for long on the couch though, possibly it's too soft or slippery. But look at her today:

She looks comfortable, doesn't she? :)

See you soon, little one!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Calm before the storm - 38 weeks

Dear baby,

We've hit the 38 week mark, which means you are full-term and ready to come out anytime... right? Right? One way or another you will be here in less than a month, because Mommy is only allowed to go 10 days past her due date. I think there are a number of people who are going to lose the baby pool on this basis alone.

Life has been busy lately, but in a good way. I am hitting the point where it is truly uncomfortable to sleep, and perhaps the dog senses this, because she wakes up several times a night herself sometimes. The nice thing is that she has now taken to nudging the blanket to wake me up for food, rather than just scratching at the door. Of course, sometimes she thinks it's breakfast time when it's really 5 AM... but actually, I think she knows what time it really is and just wants to see if maybe I might fall for her little trick. I've been trying to get her to nudge your daddy instead for food, knowing that in a few short weeks, I'll be way too exhausted and/or busy to get her food at a specific time. She's a very good girl. Be nice to her and she'll love you forever... I hope you'll love her too.

People keep asking me if anything is happening or if I'm ready. As for what is happening, you still seem to move a lot, which is reassuring, but also worrying, because maybe you're not resting enough for the tough labour ahead of us! And am I ready? Well. I am ready for you to be out instead of in, but I do not think one can ever be ready for a baby, a life to care for, a person to be responsible for. These days I spend a lot of time reflecting on my life and the potential changes ahead. Hopefully you won't mind adapting to my lifestyle. :)

Please come soon!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Should everyone own a dog?

Just now I watched a bit of Jon and Kate plus 8 - only the last 10 minutes or so of the new episode wherein the family gets a pair of puppies. I couldn't actually tell what kind of puppies they got and no doubt I could google it, but whatever, that's not the point anyway. The part of the show I saw was where they brought the dogs home and put them in their basement, and then a bunch of discussion about having two puppies. At various times, the puppies are seen peeing on the carpet or tile. At one point, Kate says "I've potty trained 8 kids, I didn't want to potty train the ones in fur too. You let the dogs outside and they play, then they come in and pee on the carpet." Another time, she says that some of the little kids don't like the puppies because the puppies bite.

I've really stopped watching this show for the most part because I'm starting to find it kind of upsetting. I think it's great that they've chosen this lifestyle to earn their income and why shouldn't they take advantage, I suppose. When the show brings in enough revenue to support the purchase of a mansion, why not go ahead and buy it. I wouldn't deny that they need space.

But do they really need dogs, specifically puppies? I mean really, house training a puppy is a difficult process even if you don't have kids. I think it's ridiculous that Kate would express surprise that the puppies would be "let outside" and not pee. They don't instinctively know to pee outside, you have to teach them that it's the right thing to do. Also, you can't let puppies bite and nip, you have to teach them it's not okay to do that. And finally, if you are a clean freak, don't get a puppy. They *will* have accidents and you *will* have to clean it up.

We aren't perfect dog owners or anything, but I feel like I did a substantial amount of research prior to getting Kodi. I knew we wanted to take her to obedience school and I knew that puppyhood would be a tough go at the beginning. Of course, her breed does come with a great disposition and a general attitude of wanting to listen and behave well... but we, particularly the hubby, spent a lot of time in training with her. People often tell us that she's so well behaved, and they can't believe she'll listen so well. She isn't perfect but she is well trained, if I may say so myself. I find it so irritating when people obviously aren't interested in training their dogs, or who think that having a puppy is either a great novelty (the fun of which wears off quickly) or a pain in the rear (in which case, why did you get one!?)

To be honest, we kind of wanted Kodi to be a little bit older before we had a baby... I think she'll handle it well but at the same time she is still a puppy and is still full of energy. It'll take work to train her to respect the baby as a pack leader :) One day I'd love to have a second dog - maybe in a few years!

I'm hoping that in the first half of the episode, Jon and Kate talked about things like obedience training, spending lots of time with the puppies in training, teaching the kids how to take care of puppies and not to provoke them, etc. But I sort of doubt it. Too bad. The show is watched by so many people that the family could have been a great influence on future dog owners. Instead, we're left with more of the Kate-screeching over pee and having to clean it up. Unfortunate.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

32 weeks

Dear little one,

The doctors aren't agreed on your exact due date, but apparently I'm somewhere around 32 weeks, and happily, you're not measuring ahead or behind. I like normal, so good job. I met the OB today and she said your head is down and your legs are on my left side. That explains a lot of the odd kicking recently.

I'm finding it difficult to believe that you're really not that far from your arrival into this world. There's no way I'll ever be fully ready for your presence in my life, but here's a little of what we've done so far:

- set up your room - mostly. The crib hasn't arrived, but when it does, you'll have a place to sleep. You already have two dressers and a super cool bookcase. Your daddy didn't like the bookcase as much as me, but I thought it was fantastic; plus, I love books.

- set up your diaper changing area. We're planning to use cloth diapers so I have purchased a ridiculous amount of diapers for you... I have a stash of newborn fitted diapers and covers, and when you outgrow those, I've got a second stash of one-size pocket diapers that will hopefully take you to potty training time. I can guarantee that people reading this either will care deeply about diapers, or will think I'm crazy. I've spent a lot so far on diapers, but I think it's still less than I would have spent on disposables. Please don't be allergic to cloth diapers. :)

- met the OB/GYN.... who might not necessarily be the one who delivers you, but since the family doctor doesn't deliver.... anyway. I'm trying not to fret about this process.

- attended pre-natal class. We went with the class-in-a-day option rather than the six weekly session option. I think that was a wise choice; I doubt that in the pain of labour I'll really remember much anyway.

I'm sure there's more, but I'm exhausted.

Can't wait to meet you!

Off topic: I watched a bit of American Idol tonight. Why do I put myself through this terrible show. Every year I tell myself I won't watch any more and yet every year I keep tuning back in. Paula Abdul is still beyond crazy and incoherent, although she appears to be trying to tone down the insanity a smidge. The finalists are BAD, at least most of them are. Please don't sing Mariah or Whitney, people.

I'm still faithful to Heroes, 24, and new on the list, The Office. Don't get me hooked on any more shows though!

Monday, February 09, 2009

30-31 weeks

Dear Kodi,

Mommy is writing you this letter because as we all know, it isn't all about the baby right? Besides, what baby? As far as you know life is peachy with just the three of us, who needs a baby to take attention away from you!

I want to tell you that I love you so, so much. I sometimes find myself tearing up for no real reason because I love you and worry about you constantly. You recently went through a third bout of giardia and we were sad to see you sick. In your short life you've also had kennel cough, an oral papilloma, and a cyst on your foot. Poor doggie. Today I had plans to leave you at home for most of the day to see how you could handle it. I changed my mind at the last minute though because as Daddy and I always say, we didn't get a dog so that we could leave it at home. You have no idea how good you have it, Kodes. We didn't crate train you, so you have no idea what it's like to spend hours a day inside a little box, waiting for your owners. On days when we know we can't have you with us we send you to doggy daycare where you wrestle with other dogs for hours on end.

I know that your life will change a bit when the baby arrives and I wish with all my heart that I could promise you it wouldn't change... but I would be wrong. All our lives will adjust somewhat. I'll have to get used to less sleep, and you'll have to get used to the sounds of crying. I hope that you and the baby will become friends and that you'll learn to love him/her as much as you love us. If it's any comfort, when I go back to work I'll still be able to take you with me and I won't be able to take the baby.

Kodi, thank you for being such a great dog. I only have to show you your leash now for you to get super excited. Here's a picture of you that I like, because it looks like you're talking. "Say, mommy, is there any food? No? how about now? now? now??"

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Almost 27 weeks

Dear baby,

We are entering the third trimester and my, hasn't that gone quickly. Not so much for you, maybe, but for me, it's been quite smooth sailing.

Here are some updates on your progress. You are rather kicky these days, and last night it felt as though you were playing the drums on my stomach. Lovely! Perhaps you'll take after your mommy and be musical. Or maybe you'll take after your daddy and be athletic. Ideally, a combination of both. Hopefully, not a lack of either characteristic. Also, you handled yourself quite well after I took a spill the other day. Good job! We were pretty relieved to hear your heartbeat and a nice kick on the doppler.

Apparently at this stage you weigh just over 2 pounds. Coincidentally, I am now about 2 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight. I am happy not to have gained more, but I am not really thrilled about gaining weight in general. What can I say, I have body image issues. I hope you won't ever have that problem.

You haven't caused me to have any odd food cravings and I think generally, I have been eating fairly well. Unfortunately, I failed my glucose screening test, and I will have to attend a much longer test this week to determine whether or not I might have gestational diabetes. GD isn't really related to diet, more to family history and such, though of course if I had it, I'd have to modify my diet. Diabetes runs in your dad's family, not so much in mine, so if I have it, guess who I'll be blaming? That's right. YOU. But let us hope it does not get to that point. I'm not good with needles and such. Your father has already made changes to our meals, introducing more veggies and cutting out as much starch as he can get away with before I complain. He's a good guy. You'll like him a lot.

I think you're a boy, and your dad thinks you're a girl. I asked the dog what she thought but she just turned away when she realized I didn't have any food for her. Well, only a few more months until we find out who's right.

Since my last post, we've done a lot more to prepare for your arrival. We bought a high chair, not because you'll need one right away, but because it was a floor model on clearance. I love me a good sale. This is the high chair we bought. I like the animals on it, but it's too bad you won't get to look at them since you'll be facing the other way. We also bought a new glider/ottoman combo, again a floor model on clearance. Oh, and we got you a swing/infant rocker. We'll see if you are one of those kids who hates swings or not.

See you in 13 weeks!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

This makes me mad!

From my city's website regarding snow removal:

City crews maintain 310 kms of designated routes—all major thoroughfares and all bus routes—with up to 12 trucks, salting, sanding and plowing during snow storms, as well as clearing sidewalks in front of civic facilities and bus stops. ...

The City’s response actually starts before the snow begins to fall. Staff receive daily weather reports for the next 48 hour period. If snow is forecast, crews start working up to 12 hours ahead laying down salt on the roads to prevent ice build up. As salt becomes ineffective on its own with temperatures below –6 C, sand is added to the mix during colder periods.

(City's) side streets are not part of the 310 km of designated snowclearing and salting routes; to include them would require far greater resources than the City currently has, and (City's) typography, weather patterns and street design make that a less effective use of those resources. Typically, snow storms such as today’s occur about 12 times per season.

You have got to be kidding me. First of all, if you had driven around the major roads you would realize that they have BARELY been plowed. Four-lane roads have become two-and-a-half lane roads. The major roads we live near have definitely not been plowed. And also, 310 km? I am doubtful. And re: side streets - this is a city that was developed such that almost everyone lives on a side street. The subdivisions have winding, curving roads that isolate each subdivision from the main road. This isn't a city where a grid was laid down to determine the streets. Instead it appears one grid was laid down for the big roads, then they allowed a child to draw curlicues inside the grid to determine where the small roads would go. In other words, unless you live on a major road, you can't even get to and from your house in a big snowfall, because the city doesn't have enough resources, and doesn't consider the side roads important.

The last sentence kills me. Snowstorms like this 12 times a season and they are STILL unprepared. No fricking way. This city spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on useless stuff (millions on the Oval!) like beautifying the medians with flowers. And they must have to pay their city staff overtime to do it, since those folks work at night to plant. Roads are paved and repaved every few years regardless of whether we need it. City Hall is always nicely maintained. At Christmas, thousands of lights are strung up. I frankly think that these efforts are lovely and all, but spending a little more on snowplowing WOULD BE FAR MORE APPRECIATED. They could get a few Bobcats and drive them around some side roads - even if some of the larger side roads were plowed, that would give us all a headstart.

But no. Enjoy your flowers, people, that is, if the snow ever melts in time to plant new ones. Because of course! The City can only plant annuals, not perennials.